Abigail Georgia

Oct 6, 20194 min

21 things I've learnt at 21.

Here are 21 life lessons I have learnt at the age of 21. Hopefully you can all take something away from this and relate to some of them. Please enjoy!

1. Mums are always right.

I never would have admitted this growing up, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realised that my mum has been spot on about pretty much everything. She has the best judge of character, and can tell a fake friend a mile off.

2. I deserve to be treated like a queen.

Don’t settle for someone who cheats on you, is controlling and doesn’t value you. Someone will come along and sweep you off your feet and show you what the true meaning of love is.

3. It’s okay to be alone.

Respect yourself enough to walk away and not beg someone to stay in your life who is bad for you because you don’t want to be alone. It really isn’t so bad and will help you grow as a person.

4. My dad can fix absolutely anything.

No matter how much you think you’ve messed up he’ll always be there right behind you. His hugs have magic powers to make everything okay too.

5. School will fly by before you know it.

Make the most of your time in school, college, and university, when you look back these times will hold some of the happiest memories you have.

6. The world won’t end and your life isn’t over if you don’t wear makeup.

I spent years not wanting to look at my reflection without makeup on. Yes I look very different, but I’m still the same me inside, and it really isn’t that big of a deal – no one cares what my face looks like.

7. You can’t please everyone, so stop trying.

There will always be someone who has something negative to say about you or your life choices. Let them. Carry on with your life as normal, you can’t let the opinions of others impact you. As RuPaul said: “What other people think of me is none of my business.”

8. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

This is a hard one to accept, but you need to look after what goes on inside your head as much as you do your body. There’s no shame in asking for help and accepting it.

9. We’re all on our own journey.

Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. We all achieve things at different paces, comparison will steal your happiness. However long something takes, it doesn’t matter, as long as you get there in the end.

10. Learning to drive isn’t as scary as I thought.

Despite all the worrying and anxiety, I have created around it, it’s not half as bad as I imagined. I wish I’d have started my lessons much sooner.

11. Stepping out of my comfort zone was the best decision I made.

Especially the past year I’ve challenged myself beyond what I ever thought was possible, and overcome so many fears (More on this in a later post).

12. There is no such thing as not being able to wear something because of a body type.

Wear whatever you want, who cares if your stomach isn’t flat and your back rolls are visible! If you’re happy and comfortable then go for it.

13. Don’t hesitate to start chasing your dreams.

There is no right time and sometimes you have to start before you’re ready. You’ll never get closer to your goals while doing nothing, so you may as well start now.

14. Don’t let people walk all over you.

You are valid. You deserve to have your voice heard. No person is more important or worth any more than you.

15. Be as kind as you can and spread positivity wherever you go.

The world can be a scary place, especially in 2019, so always love a little harder and try to smile a little more – it could make someone’s day.

16. Work hard for your education.

Not everyone is privileged to have access to it, make the most of every resource you have while you can. You can never be overdressed or overeducated.

17. You need to be your number one priority.

Taking care of yourself is essential to everything else in your life. You can’t pour from an empty cup, make sure you’re okay before trying to be there for everyone else and spreading yourself too thin.

18. Karma and the Law of Attraction is real.

You get in return what you put out into the world. Always be the best version of you and success will follow. Let this bring you comfort when others have done you wrong, they will get what they deserve good or bad based on their actions.

19. Dying my hair blonde was the best decision I made.

It brought me this new-found confidence and love for myself I never knew I had. It’s worth the damage and expensive hair treatments I promise.

20. Chub rub is real!!

That weight gain that I loved so much comes with a price. Your thighs will be in pain during the summer, but it’s worth it to be healthy and have fun jiggling everywhere when you dance in your underwear to Lizzo & feel like a badass.

21. Talk to as many people as you can.

Never stop meeting new people and finding out their stories. It will lead to some amazing friendships and exciting opportunities.

If you've made it to the end, well done! Thank you for reading my 21 things i've learnt at 21, some serious and some silly, but all valuable lessons. Please let me know in the comments some things you've learnt that have stayed with you in you life.
